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UITAF Architecture


UITAF (UI Test Automation Framework) is a sophisticated, minimalistic framework designed for automated UI testing using Selenium. It incorporates a page-component architecture and integrates with Allure for comprehensive reporting.

UITAF streamlines the creation of automated UI tests by providing:

  • Automatic Test Data Generation: Facilitates efficient test creation by automatically generating data sets from page objects.
  • Detailed Reporting: Generates comprehensive reports at the end of test executions.

The framework introduces the "domain-objects" design pattern, enhancing business-oriented testing by efficiently managing complex scenarios that span multiple web pages.

UITAF supports concurrent testing, allowing for:

  • Simultaneous Execution: Run multiple test cases concurrently across various browsers, Selenium grids, or cloud-based virtual machines.
  • Efficient Resource Utilization: Optimizes testing efficiency and resource management.

The framework integrates seamlessly with continuous integration systems, providing:

  • Easy Configuration: Configures tests for execution across different environments.
  • Embedded Reporting: Embeds test reports within CI server jobs.


The architecture of UITAF is illustrated below:

UITAF Architecture

Key components include:

  • Selenium WebDriver: Automates web browsers to emulate real user interactions with the web application under test, enabling robust, browser-based testing.
  • Page Components: Reusable libraries encapsulating the behavior and testing of composit HTML elements, built using the Selenium WebDriver API, allowing for modular and scalable UI testing.
  • Page Object Models (POM): Abstractions representing individual web pages that aggregate page components and provide page-specific methods for test automation, promoting both maintainability and reusability.
  • Domain Object Models: Business-oriented representations that span multiple web pages, aggregating Page Objects and offering higher-level methods that reflect the application’s business logic and workflows.
  • Test Orchestration and Concurrency: Manages the execution of multiple test scenarios, coordinating data provisioning and allocating execution threads from a configurable thread pool to ensure efficient parallel testing.
  • XML Test Data Sets: Structured files that define test inputs, parameters, and expected outcomes, serving as data providers for test cases and ensuring consistent validation against predefined criteria.
  • Test Scripts: Java implementations of test scenarios that utilize Domain Objects and Page Objects to validate application functionality and workflows.
  • Test Context and Parameters: Centralized configuration management for test environments, including WebDriver instances, timeouts, and other global test settings to ensure consistency across test runs.
  • Test Lifecycle Management: Tracks and aggregates key events during test execution, providing detailed logging and reporting capabilities for monitoring and debugging.
  • Test Report: A comprehensive web-based application generated from Test Lifecycle data, offering detailed insights into test execution, results, and performance metrics.